Question: What are the ways and means to raise the Kundalini?

Question: What are the ways and means to raise the Kundalini and what are the symptoms? Shri Mataji: The first one is I’ll do it now, so you will see it’s nothing so special, but the second one is that when you get your Realization first thing that happens to you that you become thoughtlessly aware to begin with when it crosses over Agnya chakra and when it pierces through this one you can feel …

Question: Am I correct that what you’re saying is that God and man are one?

Question: Am I correct that what you’re saying is that God and man are one and you are just trying to reconnect us with God, and for that one cannot pay, or be nonsensical, they just have to have a clear and open mind.. Shri Mataji: Yeah, that’s it. That’s it. Question: That’s all? Shri Mataji: That’s it’s. She’s understood me very well I must say. That’s it. That’s it. Just what you need an …

Question: What about vegetarianism?

Question: What about vegetarianism? And, if you believe that by eating meat, war can ever be at peace, how can we achieve our spiritual breakthrough? Shri Mataji: All right, you become vegetarian. All right? So it’s all right for you to become vegetarian and receive that all right? Any ‘ism’ is against Sahaj Yoga, any ‘ism’ is against, ‘ism’ is a mental idea, it’s not the truth, it’s not reality, you have to face the …

Question: I want to know what qualifies someone to be a guru?

Question: I want to know what qualifies someone to be a guru? And, what makes you do the work you do? Shri Mataji: Oh, because I love it! It’s so beautiful to see people getting their Realization. You will also do the same once you get it, it’s so beautiful. The most beautiful thing is to give Realization to someone and so joyous because if you are selfish, if you are low type of a …

Question: Do we have to change our lifestyle in Sahaja Yoga?

Question: Do we have to change our lifestyle in Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji: No, not the lifestyle, you see when you do what is needed for you, what is good for you , nobody has to change dresses or anything it’s nothing outside. But supposing you see now if I tell somebody now don’t wear such tight dresses, nobody would listen, because they will wear varicose veins and this all had happened. Then now they’re …

Question: Is God reflected within us? How can man be one with God?

  Question: God and Spirit.. Is God reflected within us? How can man be one with God? Shri Mataji: God and Spirit. Is correct. That’s correct. Very correct. God Almighty is reflected in your heart as Spirit. But without this connection you cannot feel that Spirit. Because I have not talked about the Spirit that’s why you must be thinking, but at the very outset, I said “You have to be the Spirit, first thing.” …

Question: How do you feel about people asking for money for spirituality?

Question: How do you feel about people asking for money for spirituality? Shri Mataji: Is correct, you see that’s a very correct question you asked me, that how do I travel because most of time my husband pays but now these people (Sahaja yogis) are feeling ashamed of themselves that how he should pay for your salvation so they pay to the airfare not to me, all right? To the  what you call the travel …

Question: What method can you use for a lay person?

Question: What method can you use for a lay person? It’s very difficult to develop this sensitivity. Shri Mataji: You see but that’s what it is in the Kali Yuga, in these modern times only, when we are surrounding by all these things, we get into confusions and illusions and this kind of a subhranth stithi as they call it in Sanskrit language, is very important because in that only we have started seeking. Can …

Question: What is the role of thought in the process of Self Realization?

Question: What is the role of thought in the process of Self Realization?Shri Mataji: I’ve already told you that when we think, we think of the future and the past, but at this moment is the thing that’s reality is, the present is the reality, so what happens because of our special type of a brain that we have a prismatic, every time we react to this, to that, to that and all the time …

Question: How do you balance one’s problems?

Question: How do you balance one’s problems? Shri Mataji: Yeah, I’ll tell you now what is the problem is, now if you see it clearly [SHRI MATAJI POINTS TO THE CHAKRA CHART] there are three lines you see them, okay? These are the three channels we have of autonomous nervous system. The two channels the one is the left and another is the right and the central one is the parasympathetic nervous system and these …

Question: Is Sahaja Yoga your own philosophy…?

Question: Is Sahaja Yoga your own philosophy, did it exist before you? Shri Mataji: It’s an ancient thing, it’s described in all the scriptures. It’s not today’s. Sahaja Yoga is not today’s thing. Only the difference between the old Sahaja Yoga and this Sahaja Yoga is this that I’ve worked out a method in which en masse Realization can be. First thing. Secondly, without cleansing you, without making you work it out I thought of …