Question: How do you make the Kundalini stronger?

Question: How do you make the Kundalini stronger? Shri Mataji: Ahh that’s a good question. First you’ll get your Realization, then you go to the collective, and the Kundalini will rise by itself and there are people, Sydney specially is a very good place, for becoming a master of Sahaja Yoga. It’s very good place. So we have already arranged they are very anxious, they’ll do it all free of charge. It’s not like one …

Question: After receiving self-realization who is going to correct the injustice in the world?

Q: Once you get self-realization you know yourself, but who is going to correct the injustice in the world? Who is going to become the leader? Who will change the world where there is injustice, where there is discrimination, where there is hatred? If you are saying forget about the hatred, who is going to come forward? If I become self-realized and then forget the hatred then who’s going to come forward and change the …

Question: Shri Mataji, how did you begin?

Interviewer: How did you begin? Shri Mataji: I was born like this. I was born with the same awareness as we call as a Self Realized Soul. But I knew that I’ve to do some job about it. To give Realization to one person is easy, but to give it to a mass is very difficult. So I had to understand human beings, how I could manage a en-masse Realization. And then I learnt it, …

Question: …on what is called New Age

Interviewer: I am working on an issue on what is called New Age. Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. Now this New Age people, I have read about them, because they came to this place called as Mind and Body Exhibition in London. They invited Me also, but I didn’t go. Because you see that’s also a money-oriented business. And I don’t want to go this mind and thing where there is money business is going …

Question: Which will be the end of all the world or of humankind?

Question: Which will be the end of all the world or of humankind? Shri Mataji: Which will be the end of world? Again, futuristic, very futuristic. Let’s not talk about the end. Just now is the beginning. When the child is born we just don’t think about his death, do we? So better be worried about the beginning of this new world that we have started and don’t think of the death and all those …

Question: What method can you use for a lay person?

Question: What method can you use for a lay person? It’s very difficult to develop this sensitivity. Shri Mataji: You see but that’s what it is in the Kali Yuga, in these modern times only, when we are surrounding by all these things, we get into confusions and illusions and this kind of a subhranth stithi as they call it in Sanskrit language, is very important because in that only we have started seeking. Can …

Question: Is Gorbachev is a walk-in, which means that is he from some other place which is advanced soul?

Question: Is Gorbachev is a walk-in, which means that is he from some other place which is advanced soul? Shri Mataji: He is a realized soul, no doubt, he is. That’s why it’s working out. He knows me very well. He is a realized soul. That you recognized him, I’m very happy to know that. He is and look at them, how lucky they are to have him there. And, he is a very sensible …

Question: What is the role of thought in the process of Self Realization?

Question: What is the role of thought in the process of Self Realization?Shri Mataji: I’ve already told you that when we think, we think of the future and the past, but at this moment is the thing that’s reality is, the present is the reality, so what happens because of our special type of a brain that we have a prismatic, every time we react to this, to that, to that and all the time …

Question: How do you balance one’s problems?

Question: How do you balance one’s problems? Shri Mataji: Yeah, I’ll tell you now what is the problem is, now if you see it clearly [SHRI MATAJI POINTS TO THE CHAKRA CHART] there are three lines you see them, okay? These are the three channels we have of autonomous nervous system. The two channels the one is the left and another is the right and the central one is the parasympathetic nervous system and these …

Question: Is Sahaja Yoga your own philosophy…?

Question: Is Sahaja Yoga your own philosophy, did it exist before you? Shri Mataji: It’s an ancient thing, it’s described in all the scriptures. It’s not today’s. Sahaja Yoga is not today’s thing. Only the difference between the old Sahaja Yoga and this Sahaja Yoga is this that I’ve worked out a method in which en masse Realization can be. First thing. Secondly, without cleansing you, without making you work it out I thought of …

Question: Do you believe in reincarnation…?

Question: Do you believe in reincarnation, because you say that some people in India won’t even kills bugs because they believe it’s reincarnation? Shri Mataji: I? You see actually to be very frank you know I’ve become very clever. You see Christ talked, said, that He was the Son of God and I tell you He was, but you crucified Him, so I’m very clever. I’ll not talk about Myself. First you have your Self …

Questions: There must have been a state, in our lives where we were connected with this Power, how did we lose it?

Shri Mataji: We lost it long time back. That’s it. You were connected that’s true but, this Adam and Eve, that’s the point when we lost God. We had to take to this course of evolution. They wouldn’t accept, so we had to go through this long process.