Interviewer: So would you see it as, I mean to come back to the question of the New Age, is one of the signs of New Age that you are travelling around?
Shri Mataji: Nothing, this is the New Age I have started. You see, we had a very great artist from India who came here, he is a shennai player. He is a Muslim gentleman. He said, “These are all [Khalists ?], these are all pure people, Khalists people. So you are making a Khalistan here.” I said, “Yes, this is the Khalistan which Nanaka has described.” So he said, “What are they making?” I said, “You go and ask them what are they making? Where there is war and killing and all that going on, there is no Khalistan. These are Khalists, the pure people. And it’s described in all the prophecies.
In India there was a prophecy done by a very old astrologer. I think, he was the first – he is the pioneer of astrology. And he is the one who said, “Such and such time is going to come, and that Kundalini is going to be awakened, and that people are going to get this blessing, and this will be the New Age, and that people will become realized other people.” Even William Blake has so clearly said. William Blake has said, “God of men,” I mean, His prophecies are to such a detailed thing, that even in London where our Ashram will be he has described. To that extent. So it’s all there.