Q: Is the Kundalini the same force that exists all around us as the Chinese call Chi?
SHRI MATAJI: Ya, ya. It’s true. But you see, it is, it has something to do with that, and that is what is our ego and super-ego.
The Chinese what they have written, it’s correct. But Chinese also don’t know who is Lao-Tse, can you imagine? Lao-Tse is the man who talked about this thing, He’s the one who told them about Kundalini and they don’t know who is Lao-Tse. Especially in America, I don’t know what sort of Chinese live here. It’s such a great source of knowledge, and what they have said is a perfect thing. But everything gets integrated in Sahaja Yoga. All the knowledge, all the scriptures, everything gets integrated. Absolutely integrated because out of light you see the truth in all of them. There is truth in everything, there is truth in every religion. But religion now has become money-oriented, or also power-oriented, so it’s gone off.
But actually if you go to the roots of it, it is all the same. For example, take the case of Kosovo. Now there these Muslims wanted to have a separate state. It’s not necessary, why do they want to have a separate state? You see everywhere where they were trying separate state, even in our country, they all are suffering. It seems even in the same state they could have done it. All right, they said it. But one thing one should understand, that in democracy, how can you have a state based on religion? You cannot, despite that they wanted to have. Now what did they get? Did they get their separate state? They became refugees, poor things starving, for two years they cannot go back to their houses and homes. Because there was no discretion. If you want to help them, best thing is to give realization to everyone.
Then all Muslims, all Christians, all Hindus, all of them become Sahaja Yogis. They respect each other. They have to become Sahaja Yogis. No use becoming Christian, Hindus, Muslims, because that means fighting and in Italy we had a little discussion and they said that, “We don’t want to have one global religion.” We have a global religion because innately we are religious. If you know what that innate religion is then you will become global. But they don’t want, because they want to fight. If there is one religion global, we all are there, respecting all the religions and all the incarnations and all the principles of religion, supposing, then how would you fight? On what basis will you fight? This is the problem, we have to go beyond these limitations which are created. We can say created by human beings only.
Human beings are good at spoiling everything I feel that way. You see, if you go in a forest it’s so clean, so nice, all the birds are there, all the animals are there, the lions are there, tigers are there. You may not find anything stinking, but you send one man there the whole place will be stinking (LAUGHTER). That is what we have done to religion also. don’t know how many bifurcations we have of religions, how can you have? There’s one God, how can there be so many religions? And just fighting in the name of religion is stupidity, because they don’t know. If there’s innate religion within you, the innate, which is so much encompassing the whole world.
Now see Sufis are Muslims, what they write? They right nothing but Sahaja Yoga. What Christ wrote was Sahaja Yoga, what Mohammed Sahib wrote was Sahaja Yoga. They didn’t write all these nonsensical things that people are doing. But they don’t read even Koran, you’d be surprised. They don’t even read Bible in proper way, or some people just go on reading words, words, words, words. How can you get into it? You must read within the lines. Yet they don’t do, and then they start fighting. It’s so absurd, the whole thing is, that next generation will not believe in any one of these organizations based on religion, I can tell you. But they might take to something also very bad.
So the best thing is to get to the roots of it and find out. So many things are said to explain, according to times also, but how many people really know the roots of religion? They are all one, coming from the same tree, there’s nothing to fight. Have you ever seen one branch of the tree fighting with another? It’s as absurd as that, to me I can’t understand. It’s not possible. For us to fight with each other, for what are we fighting? We are part and parcel of one whole. How can we fight, it’s very unnatural, which is very dangerous also. As I said, a tree, on a tree there are so many leaves and they are all different. You won’t find another leaf repeating itself. But they never fight with each other do they? Why should we, the human beings fight, in the name of God? They make money in the name of God. They fight in the name of God. They do all kinds of things in the name of God, now what do you say what sort of a God it is? How much we have brought glory to the name of God? All right?
So we have to know that innate religion within us, which is in everyone. All of us have that innate religion, we may call it by any name. It’s a pure, global religion we can call it. Which is within all of us, it’s a fact, I’m telling you a fact. Otherwise you start fighting for this, fighting for that, then what will happen? That’s what I said this is the last judgment, and this last judgment is really going to make the difference between the people who have got self-realization and who haven’t got it. Last judgment we are not going to put on the balance to find out who is thinner and who is fatter, no. It is what have you got within yourself. What light you have got within yourself and you must have proper understanding that your value of your human life is very great. It is not something frivolous, cheapish, it’s very great and you can help the whole world to emancipate. All right? [Audience applauses ]