(From Radio Interview 1983 Oct 01, Santa Cruz USA)
Interviewer: What does it mean to open the last center (the Sahasrara chakra)?
Shri Mataji: The Sahasrara. Last center is the center which is the limbic area where is the seat of all the seven centers. It’s all integration there. So far, everybody who has come – like, Christ has come on this center what you call the Agnya Chakra. Or, Krishna has come on this center which is the Vishuddhi Chakra. Like that, they have been appearing on every center of ours – giving us a new dimension to our awareness. And, that’s how our awareness has improved to this extent and now the time is for you to get your Absolute; to get your Spirit – that your Spirit must shine into your attention, that you should have your Self-Realization, that you should have your second birth. That’s the time! And, that is only possible if baptism, the real baptism works out – real. Not artificial – somebody coming and putting the hand on your head and saying, “Now, you are baptized.” That’s not the way. But it is a real thing that happens that you start feeling the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out.
So, then I started giving first of all Realization without confronting any kind of a position or anything. I started with one lady. Then I went ahead with it. Then the first twelve people got Realization. Then I was very happy because en masse Realization has started. Then gradually it started working out. I went to Indian villages. I thought they are better simple people. First work on the simpler people and they got Realization. Now, we have thousands of people in the villages who have got Realization. They have dropped out all their bad habits. They have become very creative. They are doing very well. They are very happy. And, they are experts. So many of them are experts, I can say, in India now whom we call as Sahaja Yogi, maybe in thousands. Some are working in the villages; some are working in some cities. So, we have lots of people now in India who can do this job.
Interviewer: This all happened since 1970?
Shri Mataji: I started it.
Interviewer: You started?
Shri Mataji: Yeah.