Interviewer: Now what said Buddha, for instance? He was talking about the way which is soft in the beginning, soft in the middle and soft in the end.
Shri Mataji: Yes, He did, but Buddha’s times are over now. We have passed through that also. Those times are over now. Buddha had, you see – because Buddha Himself was so surprised later on that if you talk about God, you see, people just start thinking about God, about this and that – so He said, “Don’t talk of God, just talk of Self Realization, that’s all.” Because He wanted to pin down people, you see, to the real way of progressing, and not to just indulge into unnecessary ritualism and this and that. That’s why He said so. But actually those times are over and you can get your Realization, no doubt. It is proved now. They all have got it, they all have felt Cool Breeze, you can see their faces. They don’t go to doctors, they are keeping all right, they are having a nice time.
Interviewer: What about, I mean, in the traditional books there is described that each chakra is combined with magical capabilities?
Shri Mataji: Of course, it is, it is.
Interviewer: Are those people all sorcerers in this aspect? (Laughter)
Shri Mataji: Yes, yes. They all know about it, every chakra has a different quality. Like the first chakra is the chakra of our excretion, excretes everything from us, you see. And it has a special quality that it is the one that gives us holiness, auspiciousness, wisdom. The second chakra gives us aesthetics. When second chakra is – what shall I say – ignited, or is awakened through Kundalini, then people suddenly become aesthetics. We have many like that. Then they become suddenly great scientists. Recently one boy has discovered a very unique type of, what you call, switch which he does not know how he discovered it. So, like that every chakra has a boon to give. No doubt about it.